Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Will the Doctor Do With Sinuses?

If a doctor thinks you have a sinus infection, he or she will probably examine your ears and throat and take a look in your nose. The doctor may also check your sinuses by tapping or pressing on your forehead and cheeks. If you have a sinus infection, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. If bacteria are causing the problem, an antibiotic will help by killing the bacteria. If it's a virus, antibiotic medicine won't work.

In the case of a bacterial infection, the antibiotic should help you feel better in a few days. A decongestant or nasal spray may also be prescribed to help you feel better. If the sinus infection is chronic, the doctor may have you take medicine for a couple of weeks, just to be sure all the bacteria are knocked out.

Sometimes, if a sinus infection is not getting better, comes back even after you take all your medicine, or if the doctor is thinking about doing surgery, he or she may send you to have a CT scan of the sinuses. The CT scan is a special X-ray that takes a picture of your insides. It doesn't hurt, and it makes it much easier for the doctor to see what's going on. Your doctor can clearly see what the sinuses look like and then decide what kind of treatment will help you get better faster.

The good news about sinusitis is that it's not contagious, so if you are feeling well enough, you can go to school or go outside and play. In no time, you'll be over your infection - and you'll be saying so long to sinusitis!

When Good Sinuses Go Bad

What about that cold that won't go away? A cold virus can:

- damage the delicate cilia so that mucus is not swept away.
- cause the mucous lining of the nose to become swollen, which narrows and blocks the small opening from the sinuses into the nose.
- lead to the production of more mucus, which is often thicker and stickier, making it harder to flow out of the sinuses.

When the tiny openings that drain the sinuses get blocked, mucus becomes trapped in the sinuses. Like water in a stagnant pond, it makes a good home for bacteria, viruses, or fungi to grow.

If a cold lasts for more than 10 to 14 days (sometimes you may have a low-grade
fever), you may have sinusitis (say: syne-yuh-sy-tus). This means an infection of the sinuses. Sinusitis is a pretty common infection; in fact, close to 37 million people in the United States have sinusitis each year.

Acute sinusitis may be diagnosed when a cold lasts more than 10 to 14 days. Chronic sinusitis means a person has had symptoms for more than 3 months. Symptoms may be similar to acute sinusitis, but typically are less severe and not associated with fever.

In either case, symptoms may include:

- fever.
- persistent nasal discharge that often is yellow or green (this alone doesn't always mean you have a sinus infection).
- daytime cough (your cough may be worse at night).
- puffy eyes, especially in the morning.
- bad breath.

Less often, a kid could have headache or pain behind the eyes, forehead, and cheeks.

What Are Sinuses?

The sinuses (say: sy-nus-is) are air-filled spaces found in the bones of the head and face. Sinuses start developing before you are born and some of them keep growing until you're about 20. There are four pairs of sinuses, or eight in all. They are located on either side of the nose in your cheeks, behind and between the eyes, in the forehead, and at the back of the nasal cavity.

Like the inside of the nose, the sinuses are lined with a moist, thin layer of tissue called a mucous membrane (say: myoo-kus mem-brayne). The mucous membranes help moisten the air as you breathe it in. The mucous membrane also makes mucus, that sticky stuff in your nose you might call snot. The mucus traps dust and germs that are in the air we breathe. On the surface of the cells of the mucous membrane are microscopic hairs called cilia (say: sih-lee-uh).

The cilia beat back and forth in waves to clear mucus from the sinuses through a narrow opening in the nose and then move the mucus toward the back of the nose to be swallowed. Gross, huh? If you have a cold or allergies, the membrane gets irritated and swollen and produces even more mucus.

What Do Sinuses Do?
No one is completely sure why we have sinuses, but some researchers think they keep the head from being too heavy. Sinuses are pockets of air, and air doesn't weigh very much. If those pockets were solid bone, your head would weigh more.

Sinuses also give you the depth or tone of your voice. Did you ever notice how funny your voice sounds if your nose and sinuses get stuffy when you have a cold?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Xbox 360 Ukir Sejarah di 2008

San Fransico - Tahun 2008 bisa disebut sebagai tahun emas bagi Microsoft. Pasalnya di tahun 2008, Microsoft sukses membukukan penjualan konsol Xbox 360 terbesar sepanjang sejarah Xbox.

Meskipun kondisi perekonomian dunia sedang lesu, tidak demikian dengan penjualan konsol video game besutan Microsoft, Xbox 360. Di 2008, tercatat sebanyak 28 juta unit Xbox berhasil terjual di seluruh dunia. Penjualan Xbox ini melampaui rivalnya, Playstation 3 besutan Sony, yakni unggul sekitar 8 juta unit.

Diungkapkan oleh direktur managemen produk Xbox 360, Aaron Greenberg, tahun 2008 menjadi tahun terbesar di sepanjang sejarah Xbox, demikian seperti dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Selasa (6/1/2009).

Microsoft mengklaim, saat ini jumlah anggota komunitas Xbox Live meningkat menjadi lebih dari 17 juta anggota. Konsumen telah menghabiskan sekitar US$1 miliar di layanan online Xbox Live sejak pertama kali diluncurkan di tahun 2005.

Menurut peneliti pasar NPD, penjualan video game meningkat 10 persen dengan total penjualan US$2,91 miliar di bulan November. Ini berarti bahwa konsumen masih membelanjakan uang untuk membeli video game, meski kondisi perekonomian sedang tidak bersahabat.

Sumber: Detikinet (Selasa, 06/01/2009 13:42 WIB).

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Untuk kali pertamanya, satu judul video game berhasil mencapai penjualan yang begitu fantastis, US$ 1 miliar. Coba bayangkan kalau duitnya dikonversikan ke dalam mata uang rupiah.

Adalah Video game Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock besutan ActiVision, yang mencatat prestasi gemilang ini sebagai video game pertama yang jumlah penjualannya melampaui nilai US$ 1 miliar.

Jelas, CEO ActiVision Publishing, Mike Griffith dengan bangga mengumumkan
pencapaian tersebut. detikINET kutip dari Teamxbox, Rabu (14/1/2009), tahun lalu ActiVision juga sudah mengumumkan bahwa seri game Guitar Hero telah mencapai angka penjualan US$ 1 miliar untuk seri game keseluruhan.

Namun, inilah pertama kalinya satu titel Guitar Hero berhasil mencapai prestasi yang sama. Griffit pun mengklaim, kesuksesan Guitar Hero berpengaruh positif terhadap industri lainnya, misalnya turut memicu larisnya perangkat musik.

"Musik punya sejarah keterlibatan dengan teknologi dan kami berada di permulaan dalam bab terakhir sejarah tersebut," paparnya.

Bahkan dengan sedikit jumawa, Griffith mengklaim bahwa popularitas video game akan melampaui semua bentuk hiburan di waktu mendatang. Ia beralasan, berbagai jenis hiburan lain seperti film, musik atau TV telah mengalami stagnasi.

Sumber: Detikinet (Rabu, 14/01/2009 07:56 WIB).

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Drug Addiction Treatment

There are many addictive drugs, and treatments for specific drugs can differ. Treatment also varies depending on the characteristics of the patient.

Problems associated with an individual's drug addiction can vary significantly. People who are addicted to drugs come from all walks of life. Many suffer from mental health, occupational, health, or social problems that make their addictive disorders much more difficult to treat. Even if there are few associated problems, the severity of addiction itself ranges widely among people.

A variety of scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment exists. Drug addiction treatment can include behavioral therapy (such as counseling, cognitive therapy, or psychotherapy), medications, or their combination. Behavioral therapies offer people strategies for coping with their drug cravings, teach them ways to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and help them deal with relapse if it occurs. When a person's drug-related behavior places him or her at higher risk for AIDS or other infectious diseases, behavioral therapies can help to reduce the risk of disease transmission. Case management and referral to other medical, psychological, and social services are crucial components of treatment for many patients. The best programs provide a combination of therapies and other services to meet the needs of the individual patient, which are shaped by such issues as age, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, parenting, housing, and employment, as well as physical and sexual abuse.

Drug addiction treatment can include behavioral therapy, medications, or their combination.

Treatment medications, such as methadone, LAAM, and naltrexone, are available for individuals addicted to opiates. Nicotine preparations (patches, gum, nasal spray) and bupropion are available for individuals addicted to nicotine.

Medications, such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, or neuroleptics, may be critical for treatment success when patients have co-occurring mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or psychosis.

Treatment can occur in a variety of settings, in many different forms, and for different lengths of time. Because drug addiction is typically a chronic disorder characterized by occasional relapses, a short-term, one-time treatment often is not sufficient. For many, treatment is a long-term process that involves multiple interventions and attempts at abstinence.
